Hand holding a bottle of Fushi Ashwagandha supplements

In the ever-evolving health and wellness landscape, staying informed about the latest trends can be crucial for maintaining a balanced and vibrant lifestyle. As we delve into 2024, a growing emphasis on natural approaches to health is becoming increasingly prominent. From mushroom supplements to mindful self-care practices, here are our top five natural and popular 2024 health trends you need to know to thrive in the new year and beyond!





5 Natural & Popular Health Trends in 2024 To Follow

Trend 1. Harnessing the Power of Mushroom Supplements

Bristol Fungarium Organic Lion's Mane Tinctre bottle and boxMyco-Nutri Reishi Capsules bottleMyco-nutri Organic Cordyceps bottle

In recent years, medicinal mushroom supplements have gained widespread recognition for their numerous health benefits and have become an emerging health trend in 2024. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global market for medicinal mushrooms reached 31.71 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a rate of 11.2% from 2024 to 2030, driven by growing awareness of their health benefits.

From immune support to cognitive enhancement, mushrooms such as reishi, lion's mane, and cordyceps are making waves in the wellness world. These fungi are rich in bioactive compounds like polysaccharides and antioxidants, which have been linked to improved immune function, reduced inflammation, and enhanced cognitive function.

One of the key advantages of mushroom supplements is their adaptogenic properties, meaning they can help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. For individuals looking to support their overall well-being, incorporating mushroom supplements into their daily routine could prove highly beneficial. Whether added to smoothies, brewed into teas, or taken in capsule or tincture form, these natural remedies offer a holistic approach to health and vitality. 

Shop all mushroom supplements

Trend 2. Boosting Energy Levels Naturally

Many people struggle with low energy levels and fatigue in today's fast-paced world. While reaching for caffeine or energy drinks may provide a temporary boost, they often come with unwanted side effects and can disrupt longer-term sleep patterns. Instead, a growing number of individuals are turning to natural methods to increase their energy levels and stamina.

Diet plays a crucial role in energy production, and focusing on nutrient-dense foods can provide sustained energy throughout the day. Incorporating whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables into meals can help stabilise blood sugar levels and prevent energy crashes. Additionally, regular exercise is essential for optimising energy levels and improving overall fitness.

Popular supplements such as vitamin B12, iron, and coenzyme Q10 are also gaining popularity in 2024 for their energy-boosting properties. A recent review found that coenzyme Q10 supplementation improved physical performance and reduced fatigue in athletes

Baldwins Co-enzyme Q10 capsules bottleViridian High Twelve B Complex With B12 bottleBaldwins Iron Complex 29mg Vegetarian Tablets bottle

These nutrients play vital roles in energy metabolism and can help combat fatigue. Jump on this simple health trend, explore new supplements, expand your exercise routine, and adopt a balanced diet to naturally enhance your energy levels. 

Trend 3. Prioritising Natural Mental Wellness

In an era of constant connectivity and mounting stress, mental wellness has become a top priority for many people. Rather than relying solely on pharmaceutical interventions, individuals are increasingly turning to natural approaches to support their mental health. It is not necessarily a new health trend; however, newer and more natural methods have emerged to help achieve mental clarity and manage stress levels. 

Self-care practices such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness have surged in popularity for their ability to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being. These practices encourage individuals to cultivate present-moment awareness and develop coping strategies for managing life's challenges.

In addition to mindfulness techniques, certain supplements have shown promise in supporting mental wellness.

Research shows that supplementation with ashwagandha significantly reduced levels of stress and anxiety. Adaptogens like ashwagandha and rhodiola rosea help the body adapt to stress and may alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Similarly, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have been linked to improved mood and cognitive function.

By incorporating a holistic approach to mental wellness that includes self-care practices and natural supplements, individuals can cultivate resilience and find greater balance in their lives.

Quest Omega 3 Fish Oil Concentrate bottleViridian Rhodiola Rosea Root bottleFushi Organic Ground Ashwagandha bottle

Trend 4. Boosting Brain Power with Brain Foods and Supplements

As the demands of modern life continue to increase, maintaining cognitive function and mental clarity is more important than ever. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to support brain health naturally, from dietary interventions to targeted supplements.

Certain foods, known as "brain foods," are particularly beneficial for cognitive function. These include fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, blueberries packed with antioxidants, and dark leafy greens abundant in vitamins and minerals. According to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help protect against cognitive decline and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Baldwins Concentrated Omega-3 bottleProduct image of loose Baldwins Ginkgo Herb (Ginkgo Biloba)

In addition to dietary interventions, certain supplements have shown promise in boosting brain power. For example, ginkgo biloba extract has been used for centuries to enhance memory and concentration. There is evidence to suggest that ginkgo biloba may improve cognitive function and quality of life in older adults.

Likewise, phosphatidylserine, a compound found in high concentrations in the brain, may support cognitive function and slow age-related decline.

By combining a diet rich in brain-boosting foods with targeted brain supplements, individuals can optimise their cognitive function and maintain mental sharpness throughout life.

Shop all brain and memory supplements

Trend 5. Embracing Natural Skin and Hair Care Products

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the potential risks associated with conventional skincare and haircare products. Many of these products contain harsh chemicals and synthetic ingredients that can irritate the skin and disrupt the body's natural balance. As a result, there has been a shift towards natural and organic alternatives and trends that prioritise purity and sustainability. In 2022, the Market research firm Mintel reported a growing demand for natural and organic skincare products, driven by concerns over the safety and environmental impact of conventional cosmetics.

Natural skincare products, made from plant-based ingredients and botanical extracts, offer a gentler and safer alternative to conventional cosmetics. These products are free from harmful chemicals such as parabens, phthalates, and sulphates, making them suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. From cleansers and moisturisers to masks and scrubs, there is a wide range of natural skincare options available to suit every need.

Similarly, natural haircare products have gained popularity for their ability to nourish and strengthen the hair without the use of harsh chemicals. Ingredients like coconut oil, argan oil, and shea butter help hydrate and condition the hair, leaving it soft, shiny, and healthy.

By embracing natural skincare and haircare products, individuals can protect their skin and hair from unnecessary damage and support their overall health and well-being.

Evolve Enzyme & Vitamin C Cleanser Powder containerFriendly Soap Ltd. Natural Lavender and Geranium Shampoo Bar product imageEarth Conscious Natural Pure Unscented Deodorant product image

To help update your natural skincare routine in 2024, use our guide that takes you through every step of your skincare routine. 

Shop all natural beauty and skincare products

Prioritise Your Health and Wellness Naturally with Baldwins

These popular health trends of 2024 reflect a growing awareness of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and environment. From harnessing the power of mushrooms and boosting energy levels naturally, to prioritising mental wellness and embracing natural and vegan skincare and haircare products, these 2024 health trends offer holistic approaches to health and vitality. 

At Baldwins, we are here to help people embrace the power of natural supplements for optimal wellness. By incorporating these practices into their daily lives, individuals can enhance their well-being and thrive in the new year and beyond.