Apple cider vinegar and apples




Are you looking for a natural way to improve your health and well-being? Look no further than apple cider vinegar! This versatile elixir has been used for centuries for various purposes, and its health benefits are truly remarkable.




Discover the Surprising Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

From aiding in weight loss to supporting heart health, apple cider vinegar is a powerful tool that can positively impact overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the surprising health benefits of apple cider vinegar and how you can incorporate it into your daily routine for optimal results.

ACV and Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but apple cider vinegar can offer some assistance. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar has been shown to increase the feeling of satiety, helping you consume fewer calories throughout the day. Additionally, studies have suggested that apple cider vinegar may improve metabolism, leading to enhanced fat-burning capabilities.

Improving blood sugar control with Apple Cider Vinegar is another way it can contribute to weight management. Consuming apple cider vinegar has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. This can be particularly beneficial for those with diabetes or pre-diabetes, as it can aid in managing blood sugar levels and preventing spikes and crashes.

ACV for Heart Health and Cholesterol 

A healthy heart is vital for leading a fulfilling and active life, and apple cider vinegar can be a complementary medicine to contribute to heart health in various ways. Firstly, apple cider vinegar has been shown to reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are known risk factors for heart disease.

By including apple cider vinegar in your diet, you can help lower your cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

ACV and Diabetes Management

For individuals with diabetes, managing blood sugar levels is crucial, and apple cider vinegar can be a valuable tool in diabetes management. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar has been found to affect insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism positively.

By improving insulin sensitivity, apple cider vinegar makes it easier for the body to utilise glucose effectively, leading to better blood sugar control.

In addition to its effects on insulin sensitivity, apple cider vinegar may also help reduce the need for certain medications for diabetes. By incorporating apple cider vinegar into your routine and maintaining stable blood sugar levels, you may be able to lower your reliance on diabetes medications and improve your overall diabetes management.

ACV and Digestive Health

A healthy digestive system is the foundation of overall well-being, and apple cider vinegar can play a significant role in promoting digestive health. Apple cider vinegar aids digestion, reducing bloating, gas, and indigestion and leading to a more comfortable and efficient digestive process.

In addition to its effects on digestion, apple cider vinegar can also promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. This benefits overall gut health and can contribute to improved nutrient absorption and immune system function.

By incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet, you can support a healthy digestive system and reap the benefits of improved nutrient absorption.

ACV Beauty Benefits

Other uses that demonstrate the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar include hair and skin care. Topical apple cider vinegar has been used for thousands of years.

We all desire beautiful, glowing skin, and apple cider vinegar can help us achieve that. The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of apple cider vinegar make it an effective remedy for various skin issues.

When applied topically, apple cider vinegar can help combat acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, thanks to its antibacterial properties, and can promote a healthy complexion.

Additionally, apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural toner for the skin, helping to balance pH levels and remove impurities. By incorporating apple cider vinegar into your skincare routine, you can enhance your skin's appearance and achieve a radiant complexion.

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is easy to incorporate into your diet. 

Consuming ACV:

A typical dose is 1–2 tbsp. (15–30 mL) mixed with a glass of water and taken before or after meals. Alternative ways include adding 1 tbsp into warm or hot water with honey or lemon for a warming beverage. Also, you can be brave and take a shot of ACV in the morning! 

Using ACV topically: 

As a natural astringent, it can be used instead of your usual toner to tighten, clarify and refresh your skin. Add one tablespoon to 400ml of water to create your own DIY toner. transfer into a bottle and spritz your face, or soak a cotton pad wipe over your face after cleansing. 

 It's important to note that apple cider vinegar is not a replacement for good nutrition and many of the benefits will be best achieved alongside a balanced and nutritious diet. The type of vinegar will also play a part, so make sure you opt for an organic option if possible.


Baldwin’s Range of ACV: 

apple cider vinegar bottleapple cider vinegar bottle

apple cider vinegar bottleapple cider vinegar bottle

Potential Side Effects of Excessive Consumption

While apple cider vinegar offers numerous health benefits, it is important to exercise moderation to avoid possible side effects. Consuming excessive amounts can lead to digestive issues, enamel erosion, and interference with certain medications. It is crucial to use apple cider vinegar in moderation, as too much can be harmful. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Apple cider vinegar is a versatile elixir that provides many health benefits. From weight loss to heart health, skin benefits to immune system support, adding apple cider vinegar to your diet can have a positive impact. Just remember to use it in moderation and enjoy the benefits it offers.

Now it's your turn to experience the surprising health benefits of apple cider vinegar. How do you plan to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your daily routine? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

If you want high-quality apple cider vinegar to incorporate into your daily routine, discover the wide range at Baldwins, and shop from popular brands such as Willy’s, Biona, and Raw Health


  1. Johnston, Carol S., and Cindy A. Gaas. "Vinegar: Medicinal uses and antiglycemic effect." MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine vol. 8,2 (2006): 61
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  3. Johnston, Carol S., and Amanda M. White. "Vinegar ingestion at bedtime moderates waking glucose concentrations in adults with well-controlled type 2 diabetes." Diabetes care vol. 30,11 (2007): 2814-5
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  5. Halima, Badre et al. "Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of phenolic compounds extracts of Algerian apple varieties." Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine vol. 3,8 (2013): 609-15
  6. Hlebowicz, Joanna et al. "Effect of apple cider vinegar on delayed gastric emptying in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a pilot study." BMC gastroenterology vol. 7 46. 7 Dec. 2007, doi:10.1186/1471-230X-7-46