Drought Resistant Herbs For Your Garden

The idea of us ever being in a drought might sound like a laughable idea, but just a few short months ago we were in one – well, until we had all that torrential rain and stuff. And it got me thinking: are there some herbs which are better suited for hot conditions than others?

Now, if you’re honest, we’d all love to have an herb garden or any garden for that matter which requires little watering and maintenance. Built to stand the heat and little water, you can have the herbs and plants you want, without the daily hassle of keeping them in shape.

But do such herbs exist? Well I did a little digging (as I do) and have found an assortment of herbs that are designed to survive in hot conditions, heavy soils and little water.

  1. Basil – this herb loves the heat and requires little water. Experts recommend planting it in a container with good drainage to ensure it flourishes.
  2. Thyme – best planted so it can receive full sun, there are over 300 different species of Thyme so be careful to make sure that you pick the one which require little water.
  3. Rosemary – needs plenty of sun, and is ideal for treating insomnia, headaches and your skin.
  4. Lavender – this herb needs full sun and good draining soil in order to flourish. Whether you plant it in the ground or in a pot, once established you won’t need to water it often.
  5. Sage – best planted in pots with good drainage, once it has established itself, it needs little water, but can do wonders for your throat.
  6. Oregano (origanum valgare or origanum campactum) – is different from the oregano you can from the supermarket and is best suited to a Mediterranean environment.

There are other herbs that do well in hot weather too, such as marjoram and mint, but from what I’ve read these 6 have a better chance of growing well under these conditions, whilst enabling you to take advantage of their medicinal qualities.

But if there are any others which you think are better equipped to deal with hotter, drier climates, then why not give me a shout? I’d love to hear what other herbs are drought resistant…

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