Herbal Remedies FAQs Pt. 2

Q. When were herbal remedies first used?

A. We know that the ancient Chinese used herbal medicines more than five thousand years ago to alleviate symptoms and treat disease. Today the Chinese continue to place great reliance on this form of healing, backed up by their vast pool of knowledge that has been built on the basis of their ancient culture. But it was not only Eastern civilisations that recognised the benefits that herbs offered: Hispanic people used herbal remedies long ago and still rely on herbs either as a complete treatment or in conjunction with conventional medicine.

Q. Are all herbal remedies based on ancient medicine?

A. It is true to say that ancient medicine provides a solid basis for the practice and administration of herbal medicine, but it would be a mistake to assume that ancient techniques govern this form of complementary medicine today. Research and development of herbal remedies is advanced and ongoing. New discoveries are being made all the time in complex areas such as the alleviation of symptoms for MS suffers and those with stress related problems.

Q. What is meant by ‘restoring balance’?

A. Naturopaths (those who practice complementary medicine techniques such as herbal remedies or acupuncture) believe that the body should be in harmony through a balance of energy identified by the ancient Chinese as Yin and Yang. If the body is to function well and be in optimal health, then the two should be perfectly balanced. Naturopaths believe that a disturbance to this equilibrium results in ill health or disease. They seek to identify and redress such imbalance through herbal remedies or the particular branch of complementary medicine that they practise.

Q. Do herbal remedies actually work?

A. The answer to this is surely a resounding ‘yes’! Of course, not every remedy will be suitable for every person in the same way as conventional medicine sometimes works well for one patient yet has little effect on another. But it should be remembered that many drugs are based on plant and herb extracts and it is from them that they gain their efficacy. Herbal treatments for such diseases as eczema and other skin conditions have been shown to have great effect, whilst others help with respiratory problems or treat minor but disruptive conditions such as insomnia. If a treatment is to work well for you, it is important to consult someone who is an expert on herbal remedies and to use the right herb, or combination of herbs, for your condition. Baldwins’ staff are knowledgeable in this area and will be pleased to provide you with advice.

Q. Can herbal remedies be taken by anyone?

A. As mentioned above, many conventional drugs are based on herbs yet people often make the mistake of thinking that because herbs are not classified as ‘drugs’ they are safe to be taken by anyone in any condition. The rule here is – always read the label thoroughly! Some herbs are not suitable for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, whilst others should not be taken by those with heart problems. All this information is provided by the manufacturer and you owe it to yourself to read it thoroughly and make sure you understand it. Herbs are safe and effective in most circumstances but always ask an expert if you have any doubt.

Baldwins is dedicated to assuring customers of top quality herbal remedies and providing free advice. Their helpline staff are ready to give you all the advice you require – just call 020 7703 5550.

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