How to Boost and Improve Your Liver Function



Our liver, tucked away beneath our right ribs, is one of the most unsung heroes of our body. It silently plays a critical role in over 500 vital functions, from filtering toxins to regulating cholesterol and metabolising nutrients. But despite its tireless efforts, we often neglect this silent powerhouse and, dare we say, even abuse it from time to time,  leaving it vulnerable to damage and disease. 



Baldwin's Guide on How To Improve Your Liver Function Naturally - 4 Easy Ways


After the festive season, we might need to give our liver some extra attention, and this handy guide will show you how to support, boost and improve your liver function to ensure it stays happy and healthy for years to come.

1. Supplements For Liver Function

While the above can help keep your liver functioning as it should, sometimes we all need an extra helping hand and liver-boosting herbal heroes are ideal to supplement your diet. 

Discover the best supplements for your liver below, recommended by the experts at Baldwin’s:

Milk Thistle

The undisputed king, silymarin, its active compound, acts as an antioxidant and supports liver regeneration.


Curcumin, the magic ingredient in turmeric, boasts anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.


Glutathione supplements support the liver by reducing oxidative stress, and inflammation and preventing your liver from further damage. 

Dandelion Root


This bitter beauty stimulates bile production and helps eliminate toxins.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

This powerful antioxidant fights free radicals and supports glutathione production,crucial for detoxification.


2. Natural Herbal Tinctures & Plant Extracts For Your Liver


Nature’s Answer Liver Support Extract: For short term use, this extract helps to detox the liver after heavier drinking/eating periods.

Nature’s Answer Livertone Extract: An all in one plant combination extract to help maintain healthy function of the liver. 

Baldwin’s Swedish Bitters: An outstanding plant extract to help aid digestion and overall liver health.

Rosemary: Stimulates detoxification and promotes mental clarity.

Lemon Balm: Calms anxiety and eases liver stress.


3. Foods and Diet Choices To Improve Liver Function


Choose a Mediterranean diet - Swap saturated fats for heart-healthy unsaturated fats found in olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Choose whole grains over refined carbs and indulge in colourful fruits and vegetables packed with antioxidants. This Mediterranean-inspired diet is a liver-loving winner.

Limit your sugar intake

Excess sugar can overload your liver and trigger fatty liver disease. Keep sugary drinks and processed foods at bay, and opt for natural sweeteners like fruits and honey in moderation.

Pay attention to your hydration 

Water is your liver's best friend! Aim for 8-10 glasses daily to flush out toxins and keep bile flowing smoothly. 

Coffee perks

Studies suggest moderate coffee consumption (1-2 cups per day) can protect against liver diseases.

4. Habit and Lifestyle Changes To Boost Your Liver


Move your body 

Regular exercise, be it a brisk walk or slow jog, helps burn fat and reduces strain on your liver. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

Skip the smoke 

It’s kind of a no-brainer in this day and age to avoid smoking. Smoking is a major liver toxin, and quitting can significantly reduce your risk of liver disease. What better time to quit than the start of a brand new year?

Limit the booze

While occasional moderate alcohol consumption may be okay, heavy drinking is a major threat to liver health. Stick to recommended guidelines and choose non-alcoholic options whenever possible.

Prioritise sleep 

Sleep deprivation can impair liver function. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night to keep your liver in top shape.

Struggle to get to sleep? 

We suggest exploring our sleep aid collection, full of supplements, drinks and oral drops to help your sleep cycle. 

Mindful detox

While fad detoxes often lack scientific backing, incorporating detoxifying habits like lemon water, liver aiding teas, and cruciferous vegetables can aid your liver's natural cleansing process.

Begin Your Journey Towards Improving Your Liver Function Today


Consultation is key:

Always consult your doctor before adding supplements or herbal tinctures to your regime, especially if you have any existing health conditions or are taking medications. 

Why not book a call with one of our herbal experts for a FREE consultation? Discuss your lifestyle, habits and goals with one of our herbalists for supplement advice. 

Quality matters:

Choose organic, reputable brands for maximum benefit and avoid potentially harmful contaminants.

Take a holistic approach: 

Supplements and extracts are tools, not magic bullets. Combine them with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management for a truly happy and healthy liver.

Your liver is a resilient organ, but it needs your support. By adopting these simple yet effective strategies, you can show your gratitude and keep this tireless hero functioning at its best, ensuring a longer, healthier life for you.