Autumn Chills: Natural Immune Boosters to Stay Healthy

Sometimes it feels like we go to bed in the sweaty depths of summer, windows flung open, fans on and the very next morning, we’re battling a thunderstorm on the school run, trying not to get blown away Poppins style as we clutch onto our dusty, hastily sought-out umbrellas. We all know that the British weather can be somewhat unpredictable at times. However, when the weather turns chillier, as it seems to have done recently, it’s a good idea to start thinking about protecting yourself from colds, flu and sickness bugs that seem to spread like wildfire in Autumn and winter. One way to do this is to discover the best natural immune boosters to try to prevent common colds and sickness bugs from taking over.
Why are colds and flu more prevalent towards the end of the year?
Rhinoviruses, the viruses that cause most colds, tend to survive better in cold, dry air. This is because the cold air dries out the mucus membranes in the nose, making them more susceptible to infection. People also tend to spend more time indoors during the winter, which means they are more likely to come into contact with other people who are sick. This is especially true in places like schools and workplaces, where large groups of people are gathered together. A lack of vitamin D can also be a culprit; it helps to boost the immune system, but many people have lower levels of vitamin D in the winter due to decreased exposure to sunlight. A weaker immune system makes it more difficult for the body to fight off infection. So what can be done? There are a number of fantastic, all-natural immune boosters that can help ensure you stay in tip-top condition as winter draws ever closer.
Keep healthy with these natural immune boosters
Vitamin C
This familiar immune booster should be in everyone’s cabinet. Vitamin C is crucial for white blood cell function and the production of antibodies and interferon. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant to protect cells from harmful free radicals. While citrus fruits offer dietary C, supplements provide concentrated benefits. Look for vitamin C at 500-1000mg per day in the ingredients. Spread doses throughout the day for maximum absorption. Just don’t exceed 2000mg daily, and reduce if digestive upset occurs.
Vitamin D
Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” this key nutrient modulates immune cell activity to dispatch pathogens. The problem is people don’t get enough sun exposure, especially in winter. This leaves us vitamin D deficient and vulnerable to illness. Supplementing with 2000-4000 IU of D3 daily can restore optimal levels and ward off colds. Pair D3 softgels with vitamin K to enhance efficacy. Benefits kick in after a few weeks of steady use.
Did you know 80% of immune cells reside in the gut microbiome? Taking probiotic supplements trains good gut flora armies that form barriers against pathogens. Look for the strength of capsules with a minimum 2 billion probiotic microorganisms per capsule (2x109 CFU/capsule). Start probiotics as soon as cold weather hits and continue for immunity insurance. Those with digestive issues can try gradual dosage increases to avoid gut disruption from sudden overpopulation.
Elderberry Extract
These dark purple berries contain powerful flavonoids with antiviral effects. As an herbal immune booster, elderberry extract blocks flu virus entry and replication in cells. It may also help relieve nasal congestion and sinus pressure symptoms. Standardised elderberry supplements provide consistent potency. For prevention, take 300-500 mg daily. Bump up to 3-4 doses at first onset of illness. Caution: Unripe or raw elderberries may cause nausea.
Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract, like elderberry extract, contains compounds which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral actions. It is also a potent antioxidant and as such supports your immune system. By fighting cell damage that causes disease, antioxidants work to reduce your risk of many illnesses during the cold and flu season. Research shows that olive leaf extract may contribute to a range of other health benefits, like supporting heart health.
Yes, this culinary delight offers infection-fighting benefits! Organosulfur compounds found in garlic exhibit antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial effects to ward off common pathogens. Garlic also contains the immunity-boosting nutrients vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin B6. Opt for aged garlic extract supplements over raw cloves to avoid gastric side effects. Those on blood thinners should consult doctors before taking medicinal levels of garlic. Otherwise, enjoy garlic liberally in winter dishes!
Zinc Picolinate
This essential mineral plays a crucial role in immune response, regulating the activity of white blood cells, natural killer cells, and macrophages. The recommended dose for immunity is at least 30 mg of elemental zinc daily, best taken with food to avoid stomach upset. Zinc should not be taken long-term, so use it therapeutically for immune support during cold/flu season. Ideally, you should choose a Zinc that comes paired with copper, as taking zinc at high doses can affect your copper levels, which in turn can impact iron levels.
Staying Healthy with Natural Immune Boosters from Baldwins
Other ways to preemptively ward off nasty bugs include all the usual. Stay hydrated, get enough sleep, eat a healthy, nutrient-rich diet, and, of course, don’t forget to wash your hands. It’s fair to say that the cold and flu season is well and truly upon us. The immune system is complex, but with science on our side, we can outsmart viruses and bacteria with strategic reinforcements. So arm yourself against winter bugs and sail through feeling fit as a fiddle with nature’s immunity aids. Shop the full cold & flu range at Baldwins today!