Rosewater Radiance! - Nourishing Rose Hair Mask

Rosewater Radiance
When we are fortunate enough to receive roses our hearts expand with joy!
A sacred flower and perpetual symbol of Love and beauty.
Roses are traditionally associated with Aphrodite, the (Greek) goddess of love.
These magnificent majestic blooms deserve a special place in our hearts.
In addition to bestowing beauty and joy roses have numerous healing properties
It is believed that bacteria die within minutes when in contact with fresh rose petals.
As well as having antibacterial properties, rosewater is renowned for being soothing, calming, astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
This fragrant floral friend is rich in vitamins and flavonoids including A, C, D, E and B3.
Pure rosewater is used extensively in Ayurveda and other healing modalities and is greatly appreciated for its place in skincare.
It is reported that Cleopatra bathed her face in rosewater daily.
Rosewater is used to cleanse tone and purify and is excellent for dry, sensitive and mature skin.
It has an astringent action and helps to close pores, tighten capillaries and reduce heat, inflammation, redness and blotchiness.
Rosewater makes the most beautiful facial spritzer
We like to decant rosewater (250ml bottle) into a 100ml alpha amber bottle with spray atomiser to use as a revitalising toner throughout the day.
During hot weather this may be stored in the fridge.
Not only for rosy goddesses pure rosewater may also be used as an after shave lotion.
Do ensure that you are buying pure Rosewater as there are many highly fragranced artificial products labelled as rosewater.
We source our rosewater from English rose fields.
Baldwin’s rosewater contains no additives, preservatives or contaminants.
It has a high oil content making it suitable for burning in a vaporiser.
It is the only floral water made from distilled English roses.
When distillation of rose petals takes place the oil rises to the top and is extracted, the liquid which remains is rosewater.
In a pure and natural product this water remains high in soluble rose oil and therefore retains numerous healing properties.
Rosewater is known to be beneficial in treating sunburn, insect bites, eczema and dermatitis.
When skin is particularly irritated is it especially important to ensure the purity and quality of rosewater.
Rosewater is wonderful for tired eyes.
After a long day in the Baldwin’s office we like to pour some rosewater onto (organic) cotton wool balls and dab around the brow bone and under the eye; this may also help to diminish dark circles under and around the eyes.
Rosewater is often found in many hair care products as it increases blood flow to the scalp which nourishes and strengthens hair follicles and may decrease hair loss.
Nourishing Rose Hair Mask
3 tablespoons of Alva Rhassoul Volcanic Mineral clay,
3 tablespoons of Baldwins rosewater,
1 tablespoon of Baldwins Organic Argan oil
3 drops of Baldwins Rose Maroc essential oil
Mix all ingredients together thoroughly and massage into your hair and scalp.
Gentle massage will encourage blood flow to the scalp so do continue massaging for a few minutes.
Leave the mask on your hair for a further 10 to 15 minutes then rinse and shampoo with a nourishing
shampoo such as Aubrey Organics Rosa Mosqueta shampoo.
Rosewater may also be added directly to bath water to soothe skin and elevate mood!
The applications and uses for pure rosewater are numerous in many cultures around the world.
Please tell us about your experiences with rosewater both healing and practical, we love to hear about your experiences traditions and recipes.
Radiant Rosy Blessings
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